A Year Older, A Year Wiser

2018 has been a year full of twists and turns, goodbyes, heart ache, frustration, loneliness, confusion, and transition. 2018 has also been a year full of opportunity, laughter, friendship, travel, and clarity. I've been learning a lot about myself and my place in this world. It's been a very interesting ride, to say the least, but definitely one that has lead to a lot of self discovery and growth. 

As of Wednesday, I've had the privilege of calling Karatu my home and the community here my family for an entire year. If you were one of the few who read my blogs when I first arrived in Tanzania, you are fully aware that I didn't transition as easily as I had hoped and spent more time than I'm proud of feeling sorry for myself. However, that being said, now I can't imagine myself anywhere else. This small, dusty/muddy (depending on the season) town has brought me serious joy over this last year. Joy in the form of new friends, my students, chipsi mayais, dogs, and beautiful scenery. This year has FLOWN by as I spent time learning how to cook without Trader Joe's microwave meals, how to play the chick-peas, how to be a good gal pal, how to travel via Tanzanian public transportation, how to play Pandemic/Cribbage/Jaded Aid, how to work in Tanzanian private schools, how to be a better Communications Director, how to be a better friend, how to live outside the comforts and convenience of the Western world. The fact that I haven't slept in my own bed in a year, seen my puppy in a year, been to the barn in a year, hugged a majority of my friends in a year, feels bizarre to me. It feels like just last month I forced my mom and sister to leave the airport as we were sobbing before boarding my flight to Tanzania. Which is why I've decided I'm not ready to leave just yet...

This week, I moved to the other side of the paved road, up in the hills, to FAME Hospital to a beautiful new duplex in Karatu. In the spring, I accepted a full time position as the Communications and Marketing Coordinator for the hospital for at least 1 year beginning in July. This past year working with Tumaini has been wonderful and a great way to get my start in international development, but as my contract was coming to an end, I began to reevaluate what I was looking for in the coming year. In my nonprofit career, I've always chosen to work with educational nonprofits although I've never been particularly interested in education. When I heard about the FAME opening, I knew it would be a great way to still be engaged in the community, but in a realm outside of the school system. During my time in Tanzania, I've brought my students to this hospital for their check-ups, I came here when I was ill, and one of my best friends had her baby here (shout to to Sammy). This is a place I trust, a place I already feel comfortable and welcomed, a place respected and utilized by the community. That being said, I am so so so excited to get to work come July. 

So, for those of you following my career path, law school will just have to wait. I'll be here, laying in my hammock looking out at the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater, walking the red dirt roads, admiring the sunflowers, and running around the halls of the hospital for the next year. Maybe 2019 will bring me back to the states, but who knows. Maybe I'll fall so madly in love with this place that I never leave. (Sorry, mom)

This month I head back to America for a bit, armed with a long list of all the foods I've been missing that I need to consume, and then I'll return to my home here in the hills of Karatu. As always, please feel free to write me, WhatsApp call me, or COME VISIT! Your love and encouragement has made all the difference in my life here so I would love to get to show it off to you! I am so grateful to have such an incredible global support system. I love you all to Kilimanjaro and back. 

Until next time,

*To learn more about FAME, visit https://fameafrica.org/


  1. ❤ it all sounds so crazy amazing!! And you Kathrine - what a crazy amazing journey you're on and have been for the last year! So sad we didn't get to see you at Christmas though!

  2. Welcome again kathrine karatu is your new home


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